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Events 2004

Guest lecture by Robert Fuchs
[Announced 27 October 2004]

Professor Robert Fuchs from Cancérogénèse et Mutagénèse Moléculaire et Structurale, Ecole Supériore de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS), France, will give a guest lecture on Monday 1 November 2004 at 13:00 in Auditorium A3.3067 at Rikshospitalet, with the title:

Defining the position of the switches between DNA polymerases during lesion bypass and mutagenesis


Two CMBN guest lectures
[Announced 29 September 2004]

CMBN invites to the following two open guest lectures in connection with the research course:

Prof. Leena Peltonen from the National Public Health Institute, Department of Molecular Medicine and Department of Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki, Finland, will give a guest lecture on Monday 4 October 2004 at 14:45 in Store Auditorium at Rikshospitalet, with the title:

Impact of modern genomic tools on insight into neurological diseases. Use of tissue repositories in neurological research - future possibilities and methodological aspects

Prof. Lars Lannfelt from the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Sweden, will give a guest lecture on Tuesday 5 October 2004 at 13:45 in Store Auditorium at Rikshospitalet, with the title:

Genetics, pathophysiology and future treatment of Alzheimer's disease


CMBN research seminar
[Announced 3 September 2004]

Monday 4 - Tuesday 5 October 2004, CMBN research seminar (forskerkurs) in Store Audiorium, Rikshospitalet:

Recent advances in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience -
Focus on Gaustad Neuroscience Network (GNN)

Deadline for signing on the course: 24 September 2004 to Den norske lægeforening, email

More information.


Guest lecture by David van Essen
[Announced 6 August 2004]

Dr. David Van Essen from Washington University at St. Louis will give a guest lecture on Tuesday 10 August 2004 at 12:30 in the Lunch room, Department of Anatomy, Domus Medica, with the title:

New approaches to mapping cerebral and cerebellar cortex in humans, monkeys, mice, and rats


Guest lecture by David W. Ussery
[Announced 13 May 2004]

Associate professor David W. Ussery at the Centre for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) will give a guest lecture on Tuesday 22 June 2004 at 13:00 in auditorium A3.3067, Molecular Microbiology, Rikshospitalet, with the title:

Comparison of 150 Sequenced Bacterial Genomes

Currently there are more than 150 bacterial genomes which have been fully sequenced. Several different methods for comparison of these genomes will be discussed, with emphasis on using our web-based tables for sorting the information (see

The event is co-hosted by the Centre for Advanced Microbial Science and Technology (CAMST) and CMBN.


Cerebellum and Disease Models - Workshop
[Announced 21 April 2004]

The Cerebellum and Disease Models Workshop takes place at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences in Oslo on 27 May 2004. A few places are still available. For inqueries about registration, contact: Brita Engebakken by email to


Guest lecture by Caleb E. Finch
[Announced 22 April 2004]

Dr Caleb E. Finch, distinguished gerontologist from the University of Southern California, will be visiting Norway from 24 to 27 April. On Monday 26 April 2004 at 14:00 in auditorium A3.3067 at Molecular Microbiology, Rikshospitalet, he will give a lecture with the title:

Nexus of inflammation, diet, and aging

Dr Finch's visit and lecture will be co-hosted by Prof. Erling Seeberg, Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience, Oslo, and Prof. Stig W. Omholt, CIGENE.

Inflammatory processes are emerging as fundamental to aging and
major diseases of aging. Many of the same drugs with anti-inflammatory
activities that reduce the risk of vascular events also reduce the risk of
certain cancers, and possibly also Alzheimer disease. Inflammation and the incidence of these diseases may also be modulated by diet. The evolution of longevity may involve genes that regulate inflammatory responses. This nexus of inflammation, diet, and aging will be discussed with examples from human aging and animal models.

Dr Finch is professor of molecular biology and gerontology at the USC School of Gerontology. His main interest is the study of genomic controls of mammalian development and aging. He has authored three books: Longevity, Senescence, and the Genome (1990); Aging: A Natural History (1995, with R. Ricklefs); and Chance, Development, and Aging (2000, with TBL Kirkwood). In 350 reports and reviews since 1969, Finch has led several developments in the fields of the neuroendocrinology and pharmacology of normal aging and Alzheimer disease, and in the biodemography of aging.


Thursday 22 April - Friday 23 April 2004, CMBN research seminar (forskerkurs) in the new auditorium 13 at Domus Medica.

Genome instability and neurologic disease

Deadline for signing on the course: 1 April 2004 to Den norske lægeforening, email

More information.


Guest lecture by Kathleen J. Sweadner
[Announced 14 April 2004]

Dr. Kathleen J. Sweadner, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Associate Neurobiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, will give a guest lecture on Monday 19 April 2004 at 14.15 in the new auditorium 13, Domus Medica, with the title:

FXYD proteins: Single-span membrane protein regulators of Na, K-ATPase


Wednesday 17 March 2004 at 11.00, guest lecture in the new auditorium 13, Domus Medica:

Dr. Harold Kimelberg, Neural and Vascular Biology Theme, Ordway Research Institute, will give a lecture with the title:

Neuroprotection after acute brain injury aimed at inhibition of cellular edema and its consequences


Thursday 18 March 2004 at 12.15, guest lecture in the new auditorium 13, Domus Medica:

Prof. Jean-Antoine Girault, Directur, Transduction du Signal et Plasticité dans le Systéme Nerveux, INSERM, will give a lecture with the title:

Molecular Development of Nodes of Ranvier


Guest lectures by Claudio Franceschi
[Announced 1 March 2004]

Prof. Claudio Franceschi, University of Bologna, Italy, will give a guest lecture on Thursday 4 March 2004 at 14:00 in auditorium A3.3067 at Molecular Microbiology, Rikshospitalet, with the title:

Immunology and genetics of ageing and longevity in humans

Prof. Franceschi will also give a guest lecture on Wednesday 3 March 2004 at 1115-1200 in auditorium U338 in "Urbygningen" at the Agricultural University of Norway at Ås, with the title:

The immune system as a complex system: mathematical models of immunosenescence


  Claudio Franceschi

Monday 16 February 2004 at 14.00, guest lecture in new auditorium 13, Domus Medica:

Directeur Michel Khrestchatisky at CNRS, Neurobiologie des Interactions Cellulaires et Neurophysiopathologie:

The Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their endogenous inhibitors (TIMPs) in plasticity and pathologies of the central nervous system



Thursday 12 February 2004 at 14.00, minisymposium in auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet:

Oxidative DNA damage and repair: Role in cancer and ageing

Prof. Barbara Tudek, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, will give a lecture with the title:

Repair and stability of exocyclic DNA adducts in human cancers

Prof. Tinna Stevnsner, Laboratory for DNA Repair, Danish Centre for Molecular Gerontology, Dept. Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark, will give a lecture with the title:

Mitochondrial repair of oxidative damage and changes with aging

More information...


Monday 26 January 2004 at 13.00, guest lecture in the new auditorium 13, Domus Medica:

Professor Stig Omholt, Agricultural University of Norway, will give a lecture with the title:

Control of ageing - lessons from bees, flies, worms and mice



Wednesday 21 January 2004 at 12.15-13.00, guest lecture in room 2180/2183, Institiute for Nutrition Research, Domus Medica.

Dr. Iacob Matthiesen, Inovio AS, will give a lecture with the title:

Enabling gene therapy and DNA vaccine applications with a new method for gene delivery to skeletal muscles


Tuesday 20 January 2004 at 11.30, guest lecture in auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet:

Dr. Nicholas Luscombe, Yale University, will give a lecture with the title:

Transcription regulation: a genomic network

Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN)
PO Box 1105 Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 22851528. Fax: +47 22851488