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Events 2011

Upcoming events

Mind gap
Announced 05 September 2011

min gap

Utstillingen Mind gap handler om hjernen og hjerneforskning. Den åpnet 16. april, og skal stå på Teknisk museum ut 2012. Universitetet i Oslo er hovedsamarbeidspartneren, og utstillingen inngår som en hovedattraksjon i universitetets 200-årsjubileum.

Mind gap's forskere finnes her


Past events 2011

Seminar for women in science: Bridging science and career development
Announced 4 November 2011

CMBN is pleased to invite you to the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on November 10-11, 2011.

We have invited frontline female scientists in molecular biology, DNA repair and neuroscience to lecture on their research and share their experience. We are excited to hear about their science and their way to excellence.

Among the invited speakers are:

Anne Glover, University of Aberdeen
Birgitta Henriques, Karolinska Institute
Eliora Ron, Tel-Aviv University
Inger Sandlie, University of Oslo
Lene Juell Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen
Linda Kenney, University of Chicago and Singapore
Nils Chr. Strenseth, CEES, University of Oslo
Paola Bezzi, University of Lausanne
Ragnhildur Karadottir, Cambridge University

Register here

Welcome to CMBN guest lecture
Announced 5 October 2011

Tuesday October 11 at 11 am in Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet

Dr Nicolas Le May: " Roles of Nucleotide Excision Repair Factors during transcription."

For more information see link


Life Science Conference with Nobel Prize winner Harold Varmus- "Life sciences for health and innovation"
Announced 30 September 2011

Minister of Research and Higher Education Tora Aasland, along with South-Eastern Health Authorities and the University of Oslo invites you to the "Life Sciences for Health and Innovation" conference. Keynote speaker is professor Harold E. Varmus, Nobel Laureate and Director of the National Cancer Institute, USA.

Johanne Egge Rinholm, Post doc, CoE - Center for Molecular Biology and Neurosciences, University of Oslo will give a speak about Glimpse from current research: Brain Energy- Why Lactate Protects the Brain.

Time and place: Oct 11, 2011 12:00 PM- 04:15 PM, The large auditorium (b1), Oslo University Hospital - Rikshospitalet.

Follow link for more information.

Hjernelørdager på Teknisk museum
Announced 4 October 2011

I samarbeid mellom Teknisk museum og Hjernerådet blir det arrangert hjernelørdag 8 oktober, se her for mer informasjon.

Neuroplasticity Symposium 2011
Announced 26 September 2011

The Oslo Symposium on Neuroplasticity: In vivo measurements, is organized at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, 6th October 2011. See pdf for more information.

Lene Songe-Møllers's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 4 October 2011
Lene Songe-Møller will give her trial lecture with the title

Epigenetic marks on DNA and their roles in gene expression

on Wednesday 5 October 2011 at 1015, in Auditorium 2 (rødt), Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.

She will defend her PhD thesis with the title

Alkbh8-mediated formation of wobble uridine modifications

on Wednesday 5 October 2011 at 1315, in Auditorium 2 (rødt), Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.

Guest lecture by Thomas Begley
Announced 3 October 2011

CMBN is pleased to announce the following guest lecture:

Cellular stress; role of RNA and DNA modifications
Thomas Begley, Professor of System Biology, Albany University, NY, USA

Tuesday 4 October 2011, at 1430
Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet, Oslo

  Thomas Begley
CMBN seminar: PML and autophagy in development and disease
Announced 30 September 2011

The seminar PLM and autophagy in development and disease, is organized at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, 4th October 2011. See pdf for more information.

Hjernelørdager på Teknisk museum
Announced 14 September 2011

I samarbeid mellom Teknisk museum og Hjernerådet blir det arrangert hjernelørdag se her for mer informasjon.

Welcome to CMBN guest lecture
Announced 19 August 2011

Tuesday August 23 at 11 am in Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet

Eivind Valen, University of Copenhagen: "Biogenic mechanisms of small RNAs from protein coding genes"

Valen has been interested and published extensively in the fields of transcriptional networks, promoter detection and the study of small RNAs.

For recent work please consult his latest publication in Nature structure & molecular biology or bibliography


CMBNs summer party 2011
Announced 6 June 2011

You are invited to CMBNs summer party monday 20. June 06:00 PM at Tone Tønjums place, Holteveien 23A. (Tram 18 or 19 to Holtestasjon). For registration please follow the link Registration. Deadline 14. June.

Please see information for further information.

Healthy Brain 2011: Aging and Brain Disease
Announced 5 April 2011

The Healthy Brain 2011: Aging and Brain disease, is organized at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, 6-7 June 2011.

Please visit the conference website for further information.

Didrik Søli Frydenlund's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 14 May 2011

Didrik Søli Frydenlund will give his trial lecture with the title

Does the recent progress in brain edema mechanisms lead to new therapeutic opportunities?

on Friday 20 May 2011 at 1015, in New Auditorium 13, Domus Medica, University of Oslo.

He will defend his PhD thesis with the title

Pathophysiological roles of aquaporin-4 in CNS disease

on Friday 20 May 2011 at 1315, in New Auditorium 13, Domus Medica, University of Oslo.

Fourth EU-USA conference on DNA base damage and repair
Announced 20 February 2011


The fourth EU-USA conference on DNA base damage and repair is organized in Oslo, Norway on May 18-22, 2011. The venue is Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, located on the surrounding hills of Oslo with a fabulous view of the city and the Oslo Fjord. Please visit the conference website for further information.

The Fridtjof Nansen Science Symposium 2011
Announced 17 March 2011

CMBN is pleased to announce The Fridtjof Nansen Science Symposium 2011 organized on 28-29 April 2011 at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi).

PhD mid-term evaluation for Silje Zandstra Krokeide
Announced 17 March 2011

NEIL3, Biochemical characterization and role in stem cell differentiation and HIV infection
Silje Zandstra Krokeide

Tuesday 12 April 2011 at 11:00
Auditorium A3.3067, Oslo University Hospital (Rikshospitalet)

PhD mid-term evaluation for Kristian Alfsnes
Announced 17 March 2011

Transformation, DNA repair and phase variation in Neisseria meningitidis -- impact genomic conservation and variation
Kristian Alfsnes

Tuesday 29 March 2011 at 11:00
Auditorium A3.3067, Oslo University Hospital (Rikshospitalet)

PhD mid-term evaluation for Fredrik Lauritzen
Announced 17 March 2011

The role of monocarboxylate transporter 1 in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Fredrik Lauritzen

Friday 18 March 2011 at 13:00
Letten Centre

PhD mid-term evaluation for Meryl Sønderby Lillenes
Announced 17 March 2011

Neurogenetics of ageing: impact of DNA repair and macrophage function in Alzheimer disease
Meryl Sønderby Lillenes

Monday 14 March 2011 at 14:00
Auditorium A3.3067, Oslo University Hospital (Rikshospitalet)

CMBN minisymposium on aquaporins
Announced 20 February 2011

CMBN is pleased to present a minisymposium on aquaporins:

Friday 25 February 2011 at 1000-1200
Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, A3.3067

Welcome and introduction to the theme
Rector Ole Petter Ottersen, UiO

Aquaporins in Plasmodium and consequences for therapy
Professor Peter Agre, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, US

In vivo two-photon imaging of aquaporin function in brain
Senior researcher Erlend A. Nagelhus

Aquaporin expression in bacterial meningitis
Professor Tone Tønjum:

Aquaporins in the gliovascular unit: Structure and function
Senior researcher Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam

Concluding remarks
Rector Ole Petter Ottersen

Coffee and fruit is served from 0945.


Knut Husø Lauritzen's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 20 February 2011

Knut Husø Lauritzen will give his trial lecture with the title

Separating causes from consequences: molecular pathways contributing to neurodegenerative disease

on Monday 21 February 2011 at 1000, in Auditorium 2 (Red), Rikshospitalet.

He will defend his PhD thesis with the title

Mitochondrial DNA damage in forebrain neurons of mice

on Monday 21 February 2011 at 1300, in Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47, Oslo.

Thomas Misje Mathiisen's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 1 February 2011

Thomas Misje Mathiisen will give his trial lecture with the title

The significance of the astrocyte for blood brain communication

on Friday 4 February 2011 at 1015, in Auditorium 1 (Green), Rikshospitalet.

He will defend his PhD thesis with the title

The gliovascular unit: Structure and functional aspects

on Friday 4 February 2011 at 1315, in Auditorium 1 (Green), Rikshospitalet.

Guest lectures by Milos Pekny and Graham Knott
Announced 1 February 2011

CMBN is pleased to announce two guest lectures in association with the PhD defense of Thomas Misje Mathiisen.

Two sides of reactive gliosis
Professor Milos Pekny, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

The structural plasticity of neurons in the adult sensory cortex
Dr Graham Knott, EPFL, Switzerland

This talk will describe a series of experiments imaging neurons in the brains of live rodents. Using correlated 2-photon and electron microscopy, these have shown how adult neuronal connectivity is far from hard-wired, with dendritic spines playing a significant role in the rapid alterations in the wiring of cortical circuits.

Thursday, 3 February 2011, at 14.15-16.00
Dept of Anatomy (lunch room), Domus Medica, University of Oslo, Gaustad

Refreshments will be served.

Milos Pekny is director of the Laboratory for astrocyte biology and CNS regeneration, Center for Brain Repair and Rehabilitation (CBR), Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University. His laboratory focuses on novel strategies for brain repair and regeneration, and has studied the role of astrocytes in health and disease.

Graham Knott is head of the Bio EM facility at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. This facility provides a wide range of EM techniques to life scientists at the EPFL, and the wider community. One of his specialties is electron microscopic 3D reconstruction and neuronal structure.

Professor Jon Storm-Mathisen is 70
Announced 17 January 2011

We congratulate Jon with his 70th birthday on the January 16, 2011.

In order to celebrate Jon, CMBN would like to invite his friends and fellow scientists at the Centre to a reception on Friday January 28 at 2-4 pm in the lunchroom at the Dept. of Anatomy.

Minisymposium: Microbiology in the environment and society
Announced 18 January 2011

CMBN and BIG are pleased to invite you to a minisymposium on microbiology in the environment and society:

Microbal life at its energetic limits
Bernhard Schink, University of Konstanz, Germany

Nitrification in acid soils: explaining the impossible
Jim Prosser, University of Aberdeen, UK

Lactic acid bacteria in Scotch whisky fermentations and their influence on whisky flavour
Fergus Priest, Heriot University, UK

Friday 21 January 2011, at 1000-1200
Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet, Oslo

Refreshments will be served.

Guest lecture by Hans Wolf
Announced 18 January 2011

CMBN and BIG are pleased to announce the following guest lecture:

From Epstein Barr Virus and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma to HIV and AIDS: A challenge driven story about new technologies in Diagnosis and Prevention of Diseases

Prof. Dr. Hans Wolf, Institut for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Regensburg, Germany

Thursday 20 January 2011, at 1500
Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet, Oslo

Refreshments will be served.


Pia Osenbroch's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 7 January 2011

Pia Osenbroch will give her trial lecture with the title

Role of mithrochondrial energetics in cancer biology

on Thursday 13 January 2011 at 1515, in Auditorium 1 (Green), Rikshospitalet.

She will defend her PhD thesis with the title

Characterization of mitochondrial function in three distinct model systems for Cockayne Syndrome, hCMV-infection and NSC differentiation

on Friday 14 January 2011 at 1000, in Large auditorium, Rikshospitalet

Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN)
PO Box 1105 Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 22851528. Fax: +47 22851488