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Events 2010


Sigve Nakken's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 25 November 2010

Sigve Nakken will give his trial lecture with the title

Genetics of complex disease - Concepts and recent findings

on Wednesday 8 December 2010 at 1415, in Auditorium 1 (Green), Rikshospitalet.

He will defend his PhD thesis with the title

Inference of molecular mechanisms from sequence patterns in human DNA variation

on Wednesday 8 December 2010 at 1530, in Auditorium 1 (Green), Rikshospitalet.


Sigve Nakken

Ragnhild Weel-Sneve's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 25 November 2010

Ragnhild Weel-Sneve will give her trial lecture with the title

Antimikrobielle peptider. Struktur, forekomst og virkningsmekanismer

on Tuesday 7 December 2010 at 1015, in New Auditorium 13 Domus Medica, University of Oslo.

She will defend her PhD thesis with the title

Microbial RNomics and the role of small transmembrane peptides in genotoxic stress control

on Tuesday 7 December 2010 at 1315, in New Auditorium 13 Domus Medica, University of Oslo.


Ragnhild Weel-Sneve

Career development seminar for women
Announced 16 September 2010

CMBN invites to a seminar on scientific career development for women.

21-22 October 2010 at Lysebu

For details, please see the invitation.

Trine Hjørnevik's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 21 October 2010

Trine Hjørnevik will give her trial lecture with the title

Quantification of receptor systems with positron emission tomography method

on Friday 22 October 2010 at 1015, in the Large Auditorium, Domus Odontologica, Sognsvannsveien 9, University of Oslo.

She will defend her PhD thesis with the title

Studying nociceptive processing in the rat brain by PET imaging and digital atlasing

on Friday 22 October 2010 at 1315, in the Large Auditorium, Domus Odontologica, Sognsvannsveien 9, University of Oslo.

Nansen Neuroscience Lectures 101010
Announced 22 September 2010

CMBN is pleased to announce the Nansen Neuroscience Lectures on Monday 11 October 2010 in Nye auditorium 13, Domus medica, Sognsvannsv 9, University of Oslo.

11:00 Nansen Neuroscience Network - innovation 123 years after the nascence of Norwegian neuroscience (Nansen's thesis published 1887)
Jon Storm-Mathisen, Professor, Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience, University of Oslo, and Stein Lorentzen-Lund, Project Director, Nansen Neuroscience Network

11:15 PET studies of oxygen delivery to brain tissue in humans in vivo: effects of aging, exertion and disease
Albert Gjedde, Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen
Short introduction by Johanne Egge Rinholm, PhD, UiO

12:00 Coffee, fruits, refreshments

12:15 Functional neuroimaging: promises and challenges -- unravelling the neuroscience of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia
Kenneth Hugdahl, Professor, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen
Short introduction by Cecilie Morland, PhD student, UiO

13:00 How does the brain navigate in space
May-Britt Moser, Professor, The Kavli Instituet for Systems Neuroscience & Centre for the Biology of Memory, NTNU, Trondheim
Short introduction by Lasse Ormel, PhD student, UiO

13:45 End of lectures

The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures 101010 are organized in conjunction with Fridtjof Nansen's birthday by the Center for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN) in cooperation with the Nansen Neuroscience Network (NNN) and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA). Organizing committee Linda H Bergersen, Jon Storm-Mathisen.

Guest lecture by Leisha Nolen
Announced 15 September 2010

Leisha Nolen


CMBN is pleased to announce the following guest lecture:

Effectors of Nuclear Organization

Leisha Nolen is post doc at the University of Edinburgh.

Monday 20 September 2010 at 1215

Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet

The Kavli Prizes 2010
Announced 3 September 2008

The Kavli PrizeThe Kavli prizes are awarded in Astrophysics, Nanoscience and Neuroscience. Several events are organized on 6-8 September 2010, including:

Please see the full program for more details.

Please note that a simple registration is required to attend the events.

Nina Therese Solberg's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 31 August 2010

Nina Therese Solberg will give her trial lecture with the title

Molecular regulation of the neurogenic niche in the adult brain: Implications for health and disease

on Tuesday 31 August 2010 at 1515, in Auditorium 2 (Red), Rikshospitalet.

She will defend her PhD thesis with the title

Aspects of canonical Wnt signaling in the developing mouse forebrain

on Wednesday 1 September 2010 at 1015, in Auditorium 2 (Red), Rikshospitalet.

Johanne Egge Rinholm's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 30 August 2010

Johanne Egge Rinholm   Johanne Egge Rinholm will give her trial lecture with the title

Mitochondrial dysfunction in neurological diseases

on Monday 30 August 2010 at 1600, in new auditorium 13, Domus Medica, University of Oslo.

She will defend her PhD thesis with the title

Energy Supply and Signalling in Grey and White Matter Structures of the Brain

on Tuesday 31 August 2010 at 1000, in new auditorium 13, Domus Medica, University of Oslo.

Mini symposium: "Mental Illness: Bipolar Disorder and Depression"
Announced 10 August 2010

CMBN is pleased to announce the following mini symposium:

Mental Illness: Bipolar Disorder and Depression

24 August 2010, at 1400 to 1630
Green auditorium 1, Rikshospitalet, Oslo

Full Programme (PDF)

Progress in Neuroscience Symposium, 11-12 June
Announced 31 May 2010

CMBN is pleased to announce the following symposium:

Progress in Neuroscience
A tribute to Per Andersen's lifelong commitment

11-12 June 2010
Soria Moria Hotel and Conference Centre, Oslo

Full programme (PDF)

Apply within 3 June 2010

Gard Thomassen's trial lecture and PhD defense
Announced 3 June 2010

Gard O.S. Thomassen   Gard O.S. Thomassen will give his trial lecture with the title

Deep sequencing versus microarray-based methods in analyzing the cancer genome. Advantages and disadvantages

on Thursday 10 June 2010 at 1015, in the large auditorium, Rikshospitalet.

He will defend his PhD thesis with the title

Design, analysis and applications of custom high-density oligonucleotide microarrays

on Thursday 10 June 2010 at 1315, in the large auditorium, Rikshospitalet.

Guest lectures by Richard Neutze
Announced 20 May 2010

CMBN is pleased to announce two guest lectures by Professor Richard Neutze, University of Gothenburg, Sweden:

Time-resolved structural studies of membrane proteins
Thursday 20 May 2010 at 1215
Room 3213, IMBV, Kristine Bonnevies Hus, University of Oslo

Structural biology of eukaryotic aquaporins
Thursday 20 May 2010 at 1415
Small auditorium, Domus Medica, University of Oslo

Sorry for the late announcement.

Nansen Neuroscience Network inauguration
Announced 10 May 2010

Welcome to the inauguration meeting of the Nansen Neuroscience Network!

Tuesday 11 May 2010 at 1400
In the Art hall, Mezzanine, Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Sonja Henies Plass 3, Oslo


Moderator Jon Storm-Mathisen, Professor, Dep. of Anatomy, University of Oslo

Programme as PDF

1400   Opening
Minister of Health, Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen
1410   Innovation through industrial – academic collaboration
Gunn Ovesen, President and CEO of Innovation Norway
1420   Presentation of Nansen Neuroscience Network; a new opportunity for science and industry
Stein Lorentzen-Lund, Project Director, NNN
1435   The clinical challenges related to the brain
Gunnar Bovim, CEO, Helse Midt-Norge
1445   The industrial expectations for collaboration with academia
Karita Bekkemellem, CEO LMI
1505   The industry perspective; what contributions have been made in neuroscience andwhat is to come. The market needs and business opportunities ahead
Eva Dencher Vansvik, Medical Director Neuroscience, AstraZeneca
1525   Science and networking
Ole Petter Ottersen, Rector, University of Oslo
1545   Panel discussion
Moderated by Ole Jørgen Marvik, Sector Head Health and Life Sciences, Innovation Norway
1630   Closing, networking and refreshments
1700   Adjourn
Fridtjof Nansen
CMBN double seminar
Announced 22 March 2010

Ellen A. Lumpkin

Michael J. Friedlander


CMBN is pleased to announce a double seminar organized in collaboration with Sunnaas Hospital (Dr. Tor Haugstad).

The cellular and molecular basis of touch sensation in mammals
Prof. Ellen A. Lumpkin, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

Differential synaptic plasticity responses across neurons in the cerebral cortex
Prof. Michael J. Friedlander, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

Tuesday 23rd March 2010 at 1200-1345
Dept of Anatomy (lunch room), Domus Medica, University of Oslo, Gaustad

Refreshments will be served (coffee, biscuits, fruit)

Full announcement with abstracts

Annual Kavli Lecture Trondheim 2010: Mark Bear
Announced 13 January 2010

Kavli Lecture Trondheim 2010


CMBN is pleased to announce the Annual Kavli Lecture Trondheim 2010

A cure for fragile X? Fulfilling the promise of molecular medicine in a developmental brain disorder

Dr. Mark Bear is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and is the Picower Professor of Neuroscience at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Thursday 18 March 2010 at 1800

The Student Society Building, Trondheim

CMBN scientific retreat at Geilo 1-3 March 2010
Announced 13 January 2010

Prestholt, Geilo


The annual CMBN scientifc retreat will be organized at Dr. Holms hotel at Geilo on 1-3 March 2010. Please register early!

Please see the the full announcement for further details (for internal access only).

Guest lecture by Susan Greenfield
Announced 11 January 2010

Baroness Susan Greenfield


CMBN is pleased to announce the following guest lecture:

Future of the brain - the brain of the future

Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE is Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford, where she leads a multi-disciplinary team investigating neurodegenerative disorders.

Greenfield has expressed concerns that modern technology, and in particular social networking sites, may have a negative impact on child development.

Thursday 21 January 2010 at 1500

The large auditorium, Georg Sverdrup’s house, Blindern, University of Oslo

Guest lecture by Leisha Nolen
Announced 14 January 2010

Leisha Nolen


CMBN is pleased to announce the following guest lecture:

The Effect of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer on the Stability and Regulation of X Chromosome Inactivation

Leisha Nolen is post doc at Childrens Hospital in Boston, MA, USA.

Tuesday 19 January 2010 at 1100

Auditorium A3.3067, Rikshospitalet


Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN)
PO Box 1105 Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47 22851528. Fax: +47 22851488